Over the last 40 years… I have done work in the S.F. Bay Area and L.A., ranging from gutting and rebuilding the control room at the new Coast Records (in S.F.) to designing and building a private home recording studio.

I have built a portable Iso booth (for Visual Interactive, S.F.), a Drum room for Ring Productions (Oakland, CA..), helped build California Recording Institute (S.F.) and I have consulted for many home studio projects, like L.A. area private studio, built from the foundation up, for Session Musician / Recording Artist Lyle Workman.

To meet in person, I would prefer S.F. and L.A. areas only. But there is always video calls and the phone. Also I would like to take on projects on the smaller scale, the world class studios are to time consuming and better left to the "big dogs". I like specializing in the smaller studio projects, remodels and home studios… and these days prefer consolation over building.

As well I can also provide one on one recording equipment consultation. If you are building a new studio and or need help finding the tools to make your work better or life easier we can help provide options and suggestions of how to get the best results with the budget you have.

David Marquette is friendly and informative in regards to his excellent products and services... ”


Musician, Movie Composer, Producer, Engineer (Sting, Frank Black, Sarah McLachlan, Super Bad Movie & more) Photo Credit: Greg Vorobiov

“ Before building Recording Equipment I built houses and then later Recording studios in the San Francisco Bay Area. These old photos above are from the summer of 1997 while building Funkhaus Hayward Studio. This is where I recording the bulk of my first album and now where I build Mercury Recording Equipment. "

“ Before building Recording Equipment I built houses and then later Recording studios in the San Francisco Bay Area. These old photos above are from the summer of 1997 while building Funkhaus Hayward Studio. This is where I recording the bulk of my first album and now where I build Mercury Recording Equipment. "